It’s something we don’t like to think about. The idea of finding a tick crawling on you and then biting you is a very frightening proposition. Unfortunately, it does happen and ticks do transmit diseases while feeding on human blood. You should also be concerned about the prevalence of ticks in the area. Ticks have reached epidemic proportions on Long Island, according to Newsday.
“New York bears a disproportionate impact from tick-borne diseases,” Dr. Samuel Stanley of the Stony Brook University School of Medicine told the paper. “This is a regional and state problem.” Ticks are extremely dangerous and if you’re concerned about ticks on your property Arrow Exterminating can help.
Arrow Exterminating Can Protect Your Home From Dangerous Pests
Arrow has been eliminating pests on Long Island and in New York City since 1947. We’re a family run company and we know why you don’t want ticks, bugs and other creatures invading your property. We’ll come to you, identify the problem and fix it. Then we’ll take steps to make sure the problem doesn’t return. We can help get rid of ticks and we want to tell you what to do if you have a tick bite.
Some Background on Ticks and Tick Bites
According to the New York City Health Department, ticks aren’t insects. They’re actually part of the arachnid family, like spiders or scorpions. They keep to the ground as they can’t fly or jump. But they do attach to the skin of humans or animals because they need to feast on blood in order to survive.
Among the most common ticks in New York state, according to the New York State Department of Health, are the deer tick, also known as the blacklegged tick, the American dog tick and the lone star tick. Deer ticks are particularly troublesome because they carry bacteria that carries Lyme disease. But Lyme disease isn’t the only disease you can get from ticks. According to Suffolk County Health officials, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and the Powassan virus are spread by deer ticks. American dog ticks spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia, while lone star ticks typically transmit ehrlichiosis, tularemia and southern tick-associated rash illness.
Treating Tick Bites
If you see a tick crawling on you, the New York City Health Department says you need to remove it and get rid it immediately. If it’s stuck on your skin, remove it using a pair of tweezers and grab hold of the tick at the point where it is closest to the skin. Its important not to grab it by the body because this could cause the body to be separated from the mouth embedded in your skin and lead to an infection. Using the tweezers, gently pull the tick up slowly with an even amount of pressure to loosen the mouth parts. Don’t squeeze or squash the tick.
If you don’t have tweezers, use fingers shielded with tissue paper or rubber gloves. Never handle ticks with your bare hands. Once the tick is removed, wash the area of skin where the tick was found and the hand you used with alcohol or soap and water. If you can, save the tick in a zip lock bag so medical personnel can identify it, and contact your doctor immediately.
Arrow Exterminating Can Take Care of Your Tick Problem
If you think you have a tick problem on your property, don’t delay, reach out to Arrow Exterminating and we’ll assess the problem. We have trained tick specialists who can seek ticks out and treat them with pesticides and other techniques. To get started, contact us today.