Bedbugs are a major concern for residents in the NYC and Long Island areas. If you notice the signs and symptoms of a bedbug infestation, it is important to call an exterminator right away. With bedbugs on the rise across the country, there are many myths and facts circulating about these nasty pests. A company that offers pest control near NYC can assist you with all of your extermination needs, including mouse extermination and skunk removal. To help you determine when it is time to call an exterminator to help you with your bed bug removal, here is a look at some of the most common myths about bedbugs.
Myth: Bedbugs Only Live in Dirty Homes
A common myth is that bedbugs will only take up residence in homes that are dirty or cluttered. In fact, even the cleanest home can become overrun with a bedbug infestation. Bedbugs can life and hide in a variety of locations, including under beds, in books and clothing, and in your linens. If bedbugs are allowed to enter your home, there is a likely chance that you will experience an infestation.
Myth: Bed Bugs Are Invisible to the Eye
Some people believe that bedbugs cannot be seen without magnification. In fact, bedbugs can be as large as an apple seed. A mature bedbug will be brownish in appearance. Even if you do not spot the insects themselves, you may notice the traces that they leave behind. For example, bedbugs may leave droppings and blood stains on your bed sheets.
Myth: All Infested Items Must Be Thrown Out
If you are suffering from a bedbug infestation, you may be worried that you will have to throw away your bed, furniture, and clothing. In fact, the services of a highly rated pest exterminator will allow you to hang on to your belongings. With the proper removal and cleaning services, you will be able to get rid of your bedbugs for good.