“Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” is more than just an old phrase people would say. Bed bugs have had a major resurgence since the 1990s, making bed bug pest control more important than ever. With Bed Bug Awareness Week occurring June 6-12, 2021, we decided to put together a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about bed bugs.
All About Bed Bugs
The first, and absolutely essential, step to dealing with bed bugs is recognizing that you might have an infestation. Knowing the common signs of bed bugs can help you get treatment before the infestation spreads widely.
Bed bugs are so tiny that they can be hard to spot… even when bloated from feeding. Still, recognizing what a bed bug looks like and how to identify it is vital. Knowing something about the life cycle of a bed bug is also helpful because a bed bug’s appearance shifts at various phases of life.
The most common places bed bugs hide are in upholstered furniture and, of course, their namesake… beds. However, bed bugs can end up in all sorts of places – including these seven unusual hiding places.
Interestingly, bed bugs do not fly or hop. Despite that, they have a knack for getting into all sorts of places, so find out how far bed bugs can travel and how they do it. We even have an infographic to help you determine if you’re bringing bed bugs along for a ride.
What If I Have Bed Bugs?
So, you think you have bed bugs? Or you found and positively identified one? If you are tempted to try to treat it yourself and take your chances, think again. Bed bugs are dangerous, and you should understand the risks of a bed bug infestation. Also, make sure you read about bed bugs and diseases like coronavirus.
Thoroughly eradicating bed bugs is essential, and then taking steps to prevent future infestations. At Arrow Exterminating, we use the latest techniques and processes to thoroughly eliminate your bed bug infestation. Did you know that specially trained dogs can sniff out every place bed bugs are hiding?
Unfortunately, one key way people end up with a bed bug infestation is by going on vacation. If your hotel is infested, you can easily bring bed bugs home without even realizing it. Taking the right steps to prevent bed bugs while traveling makes all the difference.
Similarly, if you’re sending kids off to college, you will want to know how to protect them from bed bugs in their dorm. But you have to get the facts straight, so we’ve debunked the most common bed bug myths.
And if you are curious, you can always learn the history of the bed bug. To truly protect your home and make sure bed bugs are just history, call our experts at Arrow Exterminating.
Arrow Banishes Bed Bugs For Good
Bed bug infestations are difficult to treat. If you have been exposed to bed bugs, talk to the experts at Arrow Exterminating about confirming the exposure and how to treat it. Contact Arrow Exterminating today.